Organic with Biodynamic practices

Because we are convinced that it is our duty and responsibility to leave a better planet for future generations, everything we do in our vineyards is done with respect and care for every component of the ecosystem—a philosophy that has driven the Odfjell family from the beginning.
We work according to the principles of biodynamic agriculture, aiming to be in sync with Mother Earth, promote the biodiversity of the vineyards’ ecosystem, and strengthen the connection between humans and nature.
The organic management of our properties enables us to produce unique grapes while respecting the identity of the place where they are grown. This is reflected in the sense of origin found in every bottle we make.
Organic Vineyards
All of our vineyards are organically managed and certified, which means any use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers are prohibited. We use integrated management to work our lands and encourage the natural regulation of the vineyard and use only natural components to achieve this balance.
In 2006, we began the certification in our vineyards, first in Cauquenes and Lontué. In 2012 we completed the certification in the 100% of our vineyards. Ecocert certify annually ever since.

Biodynamic agriculture is based on the theories and teachings of the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner. In the 1920s, he proposed the use of natural resources in harmony with the animal, vegetable, and mineral worlds within the context of the cosmos. His work was in reaction to the negative impact of industrialized farming and drew upon the wisdom of ancestral farming techniques.
We conduct our agricultural activities in accordance with the biodynamic calendar, which is based on the cycles and influences of the sun, the moon, and the planets on our vineyards.
Compost is fundamental to our farming methods. We create it by decomposing the grape stalks and pomace left from winemaking and the manure of our cows and fjord horses for nearly a year. Once finished, we apply this substance teeming with life to the vineyard to restore and fertilize the soils naturally.
It is also our duty to protect and encourage native species, and therefore we constantly work to identify those that are present in our vineyards.
We have created ‘ecological islands’ and corridors in the vineyards that replicate the existing flora and fauna in the upper parts of the surrounding hills, where human intervention has been practically non-existent. Some of the species include trees such as quillayes (soapbark), boldos, peumos, maitenes (maytens), espinos (hawthorns), and quebrachos, as well as animals such as rabbits, reptiles, rodents, and birds. In the years since we began interconnecting our vineyards with our natural surroundings, many native species of birds have returned to our vineyards.